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Dig + Cobble Mullingar Westmeath
Dig + Cobble Mullingar Westmeath is job number 329239 posted on
Drive is partially cobbled and partially grass. Looking to dig out approx 30m squared of grass and put down cobble. Understand will be difficult to get cobble to match the existing one thats there since 2001 but looking for something v similar if possible. Even second hand cobble would be fine. Pricing around but we are looking to get job done soon to allow 2nd car in the drive. Job would be digging out, sand, cobble etc. Have some prices already but looking around before starting
Trade Required: Paving Contractor
Budget: €30 - €2,000 (this is just a rough guide, quotes may be less than or greater than the budget specified)
When to Proceed: 1 month
Created on: 12/07/2020
Number of tradesmen listed for this type of job: 227
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