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We then contact and inform the Carpenters & Joiners in our database who are available and who are willing to quote for work in Dunloe

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Recent Carpenters & Joiners Jobs in Kerry

TV Unit in new build

Looking for a quote for a TV unit for a new build outside Killarney. Modern clean design already chosen . Killarney, Kerry

Fit timber staircase

Fit straight flight of timber stairs . Killarney , Kerry

Kitchen cupboards

We have bought all the materials we need someone to assemble and fit them. Killarney , Kerry

Hang doors

I I have 3 doors and jams to put up asp please . Killarney, Kerry

To build hall storage unit

To build storage unit in alcove in hall (not under the stairs).. Castlemaine , Kerry

Trim 12 doors

Doors need trimming in advance of carpet laying. Have sample underlay and carpet to measure against.. Killorglin, Kerry

Fitted kitchen

Kitchen for 15'4 x 9'5. Killorglin, Kerry


Need new doors ,frames,build in presses, . Killarney , Kerry

Completion of Rooms

Plasterboard to walls and ceilings, insulation, flooring, wiring and plastereing . Killarney , Kerry

Move kitchen from room 1 to room 2

Remove kitchen from its location and refit in other room. Killorglin, Kerry

Check other nearby towns for Carpenter/Joiner jobs near Dunloe, Kerry:-

Beaufort, Castlemaine, Farranfore, Fossa, Killarney, Killorglin