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To receive up to 4 quotes from rated Plumbers in your area all you need to do is fill in the simple form which asks you to describe the work you need done as well as your budget and schedule etc.

We then contact and inform the Plumbers in our database who are available and who are willing to quote for work in Carlingford

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Recent Plumbers Jobs in Louth

Bathroom sink install & new toilet

Looking to install a bathroom sink and toilet into my granny bedroomHouse painting Interior small two bed bungalow cottage, one kitchen, one living room and one bathroom. . Carlingford , Louth

Fix toilets

Need 3 toilets fixed. One wont flush- the mechanism seems broken. The other 2 are slow to refill after flushing . Carlingford , Louth

Fix leaking bath tap

Fix leaking bath tap, actual tap is broken on the inside . Carlingford, Louth

Fixreplace sinktaps

A number of small plumbing jobs liking sink, replacement of dink/taps in bathroom, extractor fan ??? . Carlingford, Louth

Leaky tap

New bathroom tap fitted a year ago and it has always been leaky, needs fixing/tightening as it is in a wooden bathroom cabinate. Carlingford , Louth

Repair leaking flush cistern

Replace or repair a leaking dual push cistern which is leaking water into the toilet bowl and causing water hammer in the system. Carlingford, Louth

Fit new taps and bath screen

Fit new bath taps with shower hose and screen to side of bath.. carlingford, Louth

Plumb en-suite

Install bathroom suite, pipes are all in place.. Carlingford, Louth

Leak from water tank in attic.

Leak coming from water tank, seems to be running down outside of pipe.. Carlingford, Louth

Self Build

Supply and Labour of Plumbing of domestic self build. Carlingford, Louth

Check other nearby towns for Plumber jobs near Carlingford, Louth:-

Blackrock, Dundalk, Greenore, OMeath